TSX Venture (quote V. and ticker symbol)
- focused in B.C. and Mexico, $US2.5M paid to (
TSX (quote T. and ticker symbol)
- developing DRC's Kamoa & Kipushi Cu-Zn & SA's Platreef PGM, NI 43-101 technical report on Kakula PEA; drill results expand Cu discovery
- proprietary low-cost, high-purity, clean extraction of alumina and REMs, $10M bought deal; HPA production update, first orders booked
- 49% operating gold mine Zimbabwe southern Africa , Jan. 11 reports record gold production from Blanket Gold Mine; declares qtrly. dividend
- 100% Alaska's Pebble: world's largest undeveloped copper AND gold deposits, closes increased US$37.444 bought deal at $1.85 per share
- exploring its Railroad-Pinion Carlin Trend Nevada gold project, hits high grade extension at North Bullion: 5.3m 7.02g/t in 19.8m 4.40g/t
- mid-west USA U3O8 miner, closes US$26M at $1.50/unit; receives final mine permit for its Burke Hollow ISR project in South Texas
- a global provider of domain names, email and Internet services, Q4 Feb. 7; to acquire eNom from (
- biopharm developing ganaxolone, positive preliminary data from children with CDKL5, a serious and rare genetic disorder
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